ketika aku berbaring sebelum tidur. setiap akli aku bisa menemukan bintang. langit langit di kamarku penuh dengan bintang yang berpendar. pemandangan paling indah yang menemaniku terjaga sebelum tidur.
di sampingnya ada gantungan kristal berwarna biru yang berkilau- kilau kalau ada sinar mentari menyapa saat pagi.
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Fix held deposit issues on Binance Support
Facing errors in Binance is a quite obvious and the recent error face by the users is unable to handle deposit issues. To tackle deposit issues in an appropriate manner, don’t feel shy to call on the Binance phone number on the spot. The adroit executives are active round the clock to assist and support users in their difficult times. Connecting to these gems is the wise decision to get rid of the Binance issues.
Binance Support Phone Number
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